“The habit of writing for my eye is good practice. It loosens the ligaments.” 
― Virginia Woolf

Welcome to my personal blog. It contains political thoughts, spiritual thoughts, artistic thoughts, personal thoughts, poetic thoughts… Anything bloggish that I feel like writing down and journaling about goes here. Won’t you have a cup, come in and sit and stay a while…? I have thoughts and stories to share.

A basic introduction to me: I am a body positive and intersectional feminist, a Wiccan-style witch, a branch of asexuality called demisexual, kink-positive, addiction-compassionate, a woman with a fairy-themed name, a tiny Irish-American, and a small-town girl who moved to the city. I am also a complete nerd, bipolar type two with anxious features, a consummate bookworm, the counselor friend, a good big sister, a social commentary themed poet, and a musician and guitarist specializing in dark dream pop and art rock, surrealist lyrics, and second soprano vocals. My bachelor’s degree is in writing and business marketing, and in actual career I am an ethical virtual small businesswoman and editor. I am a Sagittarius Sun on the cusp of Scorpio, an Aries Moon, an Aquarius Rising, an INFJ-INTJ cusp, and a Ravenclaw. I dress dark hipster, my makeup consists of red lips and smokey eyes, my favorite signature scents are warm and musky, I’m a brunette, and my key accessory is always my glasses. I drink coffee, tea, and wine, and I prefer classy meals and desserts with healthy, minimalist, and ethical elements. My aesthetic taste is cutesy, dark, and macabre and I collect stuffed animals. I love dancing, laughing, animals, concerts, comic books, punk rock, sound therapy, art, traveling, photography, my close-knit family, and life.

I always try to credit the artists that appear on my blogs and my feeds. Does anyone know who made my header? Message me if you do. I couldn’t find them anywhere, but their artwork is a thing of beauty and I would dearly love to credit them.

To read from the beginning: Use the search engine and type in “The Journey Begins.” Click on the link that carries that same title, the earliest and bottom link if there happens to be more than one. Once you’re on that post, let the arrows at the bottom of each page guide you chronologically from post to post.